Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fan-Made Fantastica

After spending all day in the hospital with my wonderful girlfriend (who had to have her appendix taken out), I came out and found a few interesting things online.

The first: Fan-made trailer for "The Green Lantern"
This is the best fan made trailer I've ever seen. The person who put it together used about 20 - 30 different movie/tv sources to create a piece of video made to look like the trailer to The Green Lantern. It is unbelievable. check it out:

The other thing I found was another fan-made piece of work I really enjoyed.
In Gremlins 2, there's a part in the movie where the film breaks and it is meant to look like Gremlins have either ruined the film (if you saw it in theatres) or ruined your VHS tape of the movie (if you are watching it on VHS).
Well, this guy took that part and edited in his own Gremlins - seriously - and scenes from Batman, The Goonies, Indiana Jones, and more. Came out great:

How did this guy do it? Why, he molded his own plastic/rubber Gremlins of course. Yeah...video from the guy explaining the process:

The coolest stuff comes from independent artists.